Microsoft Excel Vocabulary


Before taking this test, please remember to study the Microsoft Excel Vocabulary Words!

Please answer the questions to the best of your abilities by choosing the correct word for each definition. When you have answered all of the questions, click the "Check Answer" button. A box will pop-up with your score. You will be asked to show this score to your teacher, or print out the results.

A cell reference that does not change when the formula is copied or moved to a new location.
A selected cell.
Sorts alphabetically from A to Z and numerically from the lowest to the highest number.
The box in a worksheet or table created by the intersection of row and column boundary lines.
Identifies the column letter and row number (for example, A1 or B4).
Sorts alphabetically from Z to A and numerically from the highest to the lowest number.
A small square in the bottom right corner of an active cell in a worksheet.
Equation used to calculate values in a spreadsheet cell.
A special formula that names a function instead of using operators to calculate a result.
Labels at the top of columns in a worksheet.
Combine multiple cells into a single cell.
A cell reference that contains both relative and absolute cell refernences.
A number or cell reference in a spreadsheet formula.
A symbol that tells Excel what mathematical operation to perform in a spreadsheet formula.
The sequence used to calculate the value of a complex formula.
A selected group of cells.
A cell reference that is adjusted when the formula is copied or moved to a new location.
A grid of rows and columns containing numbers, text, and formulas.
A spreadsheet.



by: Casey Jo Burrus
Last Updated:
December 28, 2013
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