Files Vocabulary

Vocabulary Crossword

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directory path
file extension
My Documents
Recycle Bin
save as

           1    2      
       3    4          
       11     12         
13            14         
17       18              


1. The generic word for an application, document, control panel, or other computer data
3. files that the user creates, sees, and/or interacts with on-screen
5. to write a file onto a disk. The command is usually found under the File menu
6. term used to describe the improvement of overall performance in software, hardware of the computer
7. to save a previously saved file in a new location and/or with a new name
9. a string of letters, usually three, (preceded by a period) that follow a file name
10. a location where deleted files are temporarily stored on Windows operating systems that allows users to easily recover files that have been mistakenly deleted
13. a location that stores multiple files and other folders found in the GUI operating systems
14. Revolutions per Minute. used to help determine the access time on computer hard disk drives
15. a folder designed in Windows for as the default, or predetermined setting, location for a user to save his or her files and documents
16. device found on the arm of a hard drive that is used to read data from the hard disk drives disk platter
17. a copy of a file or disk you make for archiving purposes


2. the flat surfaces on the surface of a CD that does not reflect light when it is hit by a laser
4. two corresponding tracks on a fixed disk.4 Used in floppy disks and hard drives
8. the complete location of where a computer, file, web, or other object is located
11. a command that is used in terms of deleting/removing data or files
12. a system malfunction in which the computer stops working and has to be restarted
18. microscopic indentions on the surface of a CD that reflects light when it is hit by a laser



by: Casey Jo Burrus
Last Updated:
December 28, 2013
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