Microsoft PowerPoint


Before taking this test, please remember to study the Microsoft PowerPont Vocabulary Words!

Please answer the questions to the best of your abilities by choosing the correct word for each definition. When you have answered all of the questions, click the "Check Answer" button. A box will pop-up with your score. You will be asked to show this score to your teacher, or print out the results.

The way text or graphics appear on a PowerPoint slide.
A wide variety of pictures, photographs, sounds, and video clips that you can insert in your documents.
Specifies a color scheme, text format, background, bullet styles, and graphics for all the slides in a PowerPoint presentation.
A view of a presentation in PowerPoint that shows the outline pane, the slide pane, and the notes pane.
An electronic display of a presentation.
Provide guides for where you can add text, pictures, tables, or charts in a PowerPoint slide.
Allows you to see a PowerPoint presentation as a slide show.
Displays a miniature version of each of the slides in a PowerPoint presentation.
Determine how slides are introduced in a presentation.
Allows you to see a PowerPoint slide in full view.
Sound effects in PowerPoint include sound, music, and voice narration.



by: Casey Jo Burrus
Last Updated:
December 28, 2013
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