Word Vocabulary

Vocabulary Crossword

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check Answer" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

When you have answered all of the questions, click the "Check Answer" button. A box will pop-up with your score.

Click on the "Remember to Print" link to print this page. Make sure your Name is on it before you turn it in for a grade. Your grade will not be recorded unless you turn in this page.

first-line indent
hanging indent
hard page break
insert mode
landscape orientation
normal view
overtype mode
portrait orientation
print layout view
soft page break
word wrap

 1                   2        
8                9            
 11               12            
 16      17           18            


1. the display of a document where the display shows the document as it will look when it is printed
3. identify text for editing and formatting
4. drag the mouse to move or copy selected text to a new location
5. a unit of measure for fonts (One inch equals approximately 72 points)
6. the document prints with the long edge of the page at the top
7. text automatically moves to the next line when it reaches the right margin
8. page breaks that Word automatically formats as needed when text reaches the bottom margin
10. only the first line of the paragraph is indented
11. the display of a document in a simple layout
12. in this default mode, new text is inserted between existing characters
13. a manual page break
14. when positioned on the text, the mouse pointer becomes and I-shaped pointer
16. in this mode, new text replaces existing characters
18. a setting used unless another option is chosen
19. text and/or graphics appearing at the bottom of each page in a document
20. move through the pages of a document on the screen without repositioning the insertion point
21. connections in a hypertext document that allows you to jump to another section of hte same document, to another document on the World Wide Web, to a Help Screen, or to a web site


1. the document prints with the short edge of the page at the top
2. a temporary storage area for text that is to be cut or copied and then pasted to another location
9. in a paragraph, all lines, but the first "hang" (are indented) to the right of the first line
15. text and/or graphics appearing at the top of each page in a document
17. turn an option on and off using the same procedure
19. the general shape and style of a set of characters



by: Casey Jo Burrus
Last Updated:
December 28, 2013
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