Chapter 10 Vocabulary Words

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dreadful 181 very disagreeable, unpleasant, or shocking
gilt 180 gold or something like gold laid on a surface
naughty 183 behaving badly or improperly
primly 181 stiffly formal and proper; to be fussy about one's appearance and behavior
rennet 186 a part of the lining of the stomach that is used to curdle milk
sprout 194 a young plant stem with its leaves and branches especially when not yet mature
sulk 184 to be moodily silent or irritable
whey 188 the watery part of milk that separates after the milk has soured and thickened especially in the process of making cheese

Definitions utilized from Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary and Merriam-Webster's Word Central Dictionary based on use in Little House in the Big Woods.

by: Casey Jo Burrus © 2012
Bingham, Illinois
updated: June 4, 2016
Cowden-Herrick Schools