Before taking this test, please read the novel, Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder!
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check Answer" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter, but it will effect your grade! Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
When you have answered all of the questions, click the "Check Answer" button. A box will pop-up with your score. Do not close until your score is printed or reviewed by your teacher.
My kids call me "Pa". I am a hard-working man who farms and hunts to feed his family. I enjoy playing the fiddle and telling stories to my girls. (Ch. 1)
For now, I am the baby of the family. My older sisters play with me and help to care for me. (Ch. 1)
My dress is a wine-colored calico. I has gold buttons with trees and castles on them. (Ch. 8)
My dress is a dark blue sprigged print. It has red flowers and green leaves. (Ch. 8)
I enjoy spending Christmas with my family. (Ch. 7)
I am a cat that loves to snuggle up by the hearth. (Ch. 2)
I am named after my father. I enjoy visiting my cousins at Christmas. (Ch. 7)
I am a beautiful doll. I was given to Laura for Christmas. (Ch. 4)
I am home from the army. I was a drummer boy. I also play the bugle. (Ch. 8)
My kids call me "Ma". I take pride in tending my family and my home. I love having my girls help me. (Ch. 1)
I had to stop jigging to check on the waxing syrup. I almost forgot about it! (Ch. 8)
I had to steep some herbs when my son developed a fever from yellow jacket stings. (Ch. 11)
I am a spoiled little boy. I enjoy creating mischief. (Ch. 11)
I am a bulldog who enjoys playing with my girls. I protect the family by standing guard. (Ch. 1)
I am the oldest sister. I have blonde hair. I help my younger sisters and my ma.
Our family dog, Prince, saved me by tearing my dress when a panther came near our home. (Ch. 4)
I trade work with my brother, Charles. We help each other out at harvest time. (Ch. 11)
Our family has just moved in down the road from the Ingalls. (Ch. 10)
I am the middle sister. I have brown hair and am rather plain. As an adult, I wrote stories about my childhood on the frontier. (Ch. 1)
I have been making wooden buckets and troughs all winter. I can't wait to make some Maple Syrup. (Ch. 7)
I enjoy making pictures in the snow with my brother, my sister, my cousins, Mary and Laura. (Ch. 4)