Before completing this activity, you must read chapter 18 of Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder!
Choose which answer best fits each question. When you have answered all of the questions, click the "Check Answer" button. A box will pop-up with your score. Do not close until your score is printed or reviewed by your teacher.
How far away did Uncle Andrew live?
50 miles
across the pond
10 miles
5 miles
After Mother and Father left, Eliza Jane wanted to start getting the chores done. Instead, the children decided to make ice-cream. Whose idea was it to make ice-cream instead of doing the chores?
Eliza Jane's
What is NOT an ingredient that the children used to make ice-cream?
True or False: The children ate the whole cake and almost all of the ice-cream before noon. There was no one to tell them not to eat so much.
What did Almanzo do to check if the watermelon was ripe?
shook it in the air
stuck his nose to it to get a good sniff
snapped his finger against it
throw it to the ground
What did Almanzo do when Alice went into the house to do the dishes?
fed the last of his ice cream to the horses
decided to go swimming
went to the colt's pasture
stole another watermelon
True or False: Eliza Jane ran to the pasture when she saw Almanzo in with the excited horses.
Fill in the Blank: Almanzo wanted to go and get _____ to eat up the watermelon rinds.
Starlight, the colt
the barnyard cats
Star and Bright, the oxen
Lucy, the pig
True or False: When Eliza Jane called Lucy a dirty old pig, Almanzo argued that pigs were the cleanest animals there were.
Why did Eliza Jane say they couldn't make candy that evening?
candy was not healthy for them
she had promised Mother that they would not eat too many sweets
candy-pulls was only for winter evenings
they didn't have the ingredients for candy
What was wrong with Lucy the next morning?
she had gotten tangled up in watermelon vines
Eliza Jane saw the mess that Lucy had made in the front yard
she had a tummy ache from eating too much
she couldn't eat or drink because her teeth were stuck together with candy
What did Lucy NOT do when she ran through the garden?
squashed the ripe tomatoes
uprooted the green round cabbages
tore through the peas
ate the tops off the carrot plants
What did Alice decide she was going to make?
fried chicken
Fill in the Blank: Alice and Almanzo decided to sit _____ even though Eliza Jane told them that they should not.
by the pond
with the horses
in the parlor
at the kitchen table
Why was the parlor off limits?
it was for company only
Eliza Jane wanted to sit by herself in there
Father had just re-papered it
Mother's sewing machine was in there
When Eliza Jane reminded the children that Mother and Father would be home tomorrow, the children were upset. Select the things that the children still needed to do before their parents returned. (Choose 5)
What did Almanzo do that stained the parlor wall?
drew a picture of the colts on the wall
tossed the can of polish at Alice
started a fire in the woodstove with the flue closed
threw the blackening-brush at Eliza Jane's head
True or False: Mother was very upset that the children had eaten all of the sugar. She told them that they would be allowed no more sweets for a week.
Almanzo was very worried when Mother showed Mr. & Mrs. Webb into the parlor. He was sure he would be in trouble now. What was the surprise that waited for him there?
neither his mother nor his father ever noticed the big black splotch on the wall
Royal had re-arranged the pictures on the walls
the black splotch had disappeared
His father told him that he knew about the splotch and that he must re-paper the room
Who had patched the parlor wall-paper so that Almanzo would not get into trouble?