Before completing this activity, you must read chapter 27 of Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder!
Choose which answer best fits each question. When you have answered all of the questions, click the "Check Answer" button. A box will pop-up with your score. Do not close until your score is printed or reviewed by your teacher.
True or False: When school opened in January, Almanzo had to go to school. His father hired help to haul wood from the timber.
True or False: Almanzo had to have Pierre and Louis help him to put the large yoke on Star and Bright because they were too big for his small yoke.
True or False: Almanzo is now 10 years old with his own oxen and sled. He is going to work hard at hauling wood for his father.
When Father and Almanzo reached the clearing where Lazy John and French Joe were chopping down trees, they saw that logs lay all around. Some were so thick that they were two feet across. How long was each length?
five feet
ten feet
twelve feet
fifteen feet
How did they move the logs onto the sleds?
they used ropes and skids to roll them
they tied them to an oxen
they picked them up and carried them
they dragged them to the river
What happened when Almanzo, Pierre, and Louis tried rolling a log that was bigger on one end?
Almanzo rolled off into the river
it rolled back and pressed Almanzo into the snow
French Joe and Lazy John came to help
Pierre and Louis were trapped by the falling log
True or False: When Father asked Almanzo whether or not he was hurt, Almanzo lied and said his stomach hurt. He was scared to work with the logs again.
Why couldn't Star and Bright pull the sled?
they were stuck in a snowdrift
the load was too heavy
the logs dragged on the ground
the yoke broke
How did Almanzo get the oxen to move?
the boys pushed the sled
the boys dug the team out of the snowdrift
the boys climbed off and Almanzo gentled them
he used the whip on the team
What happened to Almanzo's oxen and sled when he moved over to let his father's team by?
his sled overturned in the pond
the oxen bolted down the lane
they slid into the snowy ditch
he didn't move fast enough and crashed into his father's sled
True or False: Almanzo had to run back to the barn to get a shovel and get the team out of the ditch.
True or False: Almanzo's team remembered having to move over. When they met Father's sled, the young oxen moved over and the sled turned over and lost its load.
How long did Almanzo spend hauling wood from the timber?
two weeks
one week
three days
one month
True or False: Almanzo didn't think that he needed to go back to school, but Father said he needed more skills if he wanted to be a farmer.