Before completing this activity, you must read chapter 28 of Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder!
Choose which answer best fits each question. When you have answered all of the questions, click the "Check Answer" button. A box will pop-up with your score. Do not close until your score is printed or reviewed by your teacher.
Why did Father decide to sell his hay this year?
he was selling off the stock and would not need the hay
it was too good to be used to feed the stock
it was not good enough to be used to feed Father's good stock
he had so much that the stock couldn't eat it all
Almanzo continues to ask his father if he can stay home from school to help. Father says that he can stay home this time. What can he learn at home that he won't learn at school?
The hay-baler showed up the next morning. What was his name?
Mr. Bales
Mr. Thompson
Mr. Austin
Mr. Weed
True or False: Almanzo was allowed to use Father's favorite horse, Beauty, to help bale the hay.
How much did the bale of hay weigh?
300 ounces
25 pounds
250 pounds
500 ounces
Almanzo was figuring at the dinner table. He said that they had 30 bales to a load and earned _____ a bale.
1 dollar
2 dollars
10 dollars
5 dollars
What will Father and Almanzo do in town?
sell the load of hay
sell some stock
put their earnings in the bank
buy one of those fancy baling machines
True or False: Almanzo found a black pocketbook along the road just beyond the Trout River Bridge.
How much money was in the pocketbook?
1000 dollars
10 dollars
1500 dollars
150 dollars
How does Father know that the pocketbook must belong to Thompson?
Thompson sold some land, but was afraid of banks
Paddock was talking about how Thompson had asked about his lost money
Thompson had just withdrawn a large sum from his bank account
They were on Thompson's property when they found the pocketbook
How much did Almanzo ask the liveryman for each bale of hay?
True or False: Almanzo knew to ask the liveryman for less than he was willing to take for each bale. That way, the liveryman would think he was generous and offer a larger amount.
True or False: While Father waited in line at Mr. Case's store, he sent Almanzo to find Mr. Thompson and return the pocketbook.
When Almanzo found Mr. Thompson, he was arguing with Mr. Paddock over prices. What was he wanting to buy?
fencing supplies
20 bales of hay
a beautiful mare
a new wagon
Amanzo liked Mr. Paddock, because he always asked Almanzo about _____.
Mother and Father
Royal and Eliza Jane
Why was Mr. Thompson so surprised when Almanzo returned the pocketbook?
Almanzo did not want to return the pocketbook
Almanzo had not stolen any of the money
Almanzo had stolen 50 dollars from the pocketbook
he didn't know that the pocketbook was missing
What did Mr. Thompson give to Almanzo for finding his pocketbook?
1 dollar
a quarter
a nickel
10 dollars
Mr. Paddock calls Mr. Thompson a "skinflint" and makes him give Almanzo a larger reward for finding the pocketbook. How much does he say Mr. Thompson should give to Almanzo?
100 dollars
50 dollars
20 dollars
200 dollars
True or False: Father is reluctant for Almanzo to keep the money, but Mr. Paddock says that Almanzo is entitled to it.
What does Almanzo do with his money?
buys a new horse
spends it on new fishing gear
puts it in the bank
returns it to Mr. Thompson
Father says that when the money is in the bank, it is working for you. How much does every dollar earn each year?
4 dollars
2 dollars
4 cents
20 cents
Even as Almanzo was leaving the bank, he was wishing he could spend that money. What did he want to buy?