Chapter 22 Essay
INSTRUCTIONS: The essay questions must will be answered using a word processor and formatted according to class guidelines, printed, and submitted to the teacher before the next reading day.
You have now read the twenty-second chapter of Farmer Boy. The Wilders worked hard all year round. They made, or grew on their farm, almost everything they used on a regular basis. This chapter deals with the butchering that the family did each fall. What stock did they butcher? From the butchered animals, they prepared meat, shoes, candles, and lard that would last the family most of the year. Even though we do not need to make our own candles or shoes anymore, some farmers still butcher animals for meat every year. Has your family every grown, or purchased, and animal for the sole purpose of butchering it? What type of animal was it? What meat products was your family able to get from the animal? Explain your answer. Non-detailed responses will NOT be accepted.
by: Casey Jo Burrus © 2012
Bingham, Illinois
updated: March 29, 2014
Cowden-Herrick Schools