Before taking this test, please read the novel, Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder!
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check Answer" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter, but it will effect your grade! Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
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We are a gang of older boys. Big Bill Ritchie is our leader. We are bullies who enjoy thrashing the teachers.
I lost my wallet along the road. I can't believe that boy didn't steal any of my money. I won't spend hard-earned money on cheap equipment.
I love to run in races. I race alongside horses. I ran just as fast as the winning horse.
I am lost and hungry. I wonder onto the Wilder property and they feed me some scraps. I protect the family from thieves.
I am the local schoolteacher. I am gentle and kind. I would never whip a boy who forgets how to spell his words. I can take care of the bullies.
I am the local wheelwright. I am big and jolly. I always ask Almanzo about Lucy. I would love to Almanzo to come and work for me.
My names is Angelina. I have blue eyes and brown hair. I am short, plump, and pretty. I love my family and work hard to train them right.
My mother is a beautiful mare named Beauty. I am the prettiest colt that Almanzo has ever seen. He loves me.
I travel from place to place making shoes and boots. I am three weeks late because of a wedding. I enjoy my work and make quality shoes.
I am a twelve-year-old girl. I am the oldest girl. I love to boss around my sister and little brother. I will fix the wall before Mother sees the stain.
I am a nine-year-old boy. I am the youngest in my family. I don't like school. I grew a first place pumpkin. I really want to help with the horses.
I am a thirteen-year-old boy. I am the oldest son. I want to be a shopkeeper instead of wasting my life on a farm. I am a responsible young man.
I am the son of French Joe and a friend of Almanzo. I never have to go to school. I worry about trying new things.
I just had a litter of babies. I didn't mean to distract Almanzo from his job of storing the wool in the loft.
I am a suckling piglet that Almanzo bought for a whole half-dollar. Almanzo loves me and wants to share his food with me.
We are two young oxen calves. Almanzo is in charge of training us. We want to work hard for him, but don't always remember our lessons.
I am the son of Lazy John and a friend of Almanzo. I never have to go to school. I love adventure and want to try new things.
I am a tin-peddler by trade. I tell great stories and love to make others laugh. I make all of my wares over the winter months and then travel around to sell them.
I work for Mr. Wilder in exchange for fresh meat for my family. I saved Almanzo from drowning in the frozen pond. I have a son named Louis.
We made this country America. We went over mountains, and cleared the land to settle and farm the land.
I work for Mr. Wilder in exchange for fresh meat for my family. I am a great sheep-shearer. I have a son named Pierre.
My name is James. I have blue eyes and brown hair. I am a big man with a beard. I am a very respected man in the community.
I am a cousin to Almanzo. My father is Uncle Wesley. I am a spoiled town boy who likes to brag about the things that I get from my father.
I am a ten-year-old girl. I worry about my ribbons. I love wintergreen berries and my siblings. I gave Almanzo my roasted potato because he was injured.