Farmer Boy

Farmer Boy

Vocab Chapters 27-28

Vocabulary activity for Chapters 27-28 of Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder!

Please answer the questions to the best of your abilities by matching the vocabulary words on the right to their definitions on the left. When you have answered all of the questions, click the "Check Answer" button. A box will pop-up with your score. Do not close until your score is printed or reviewed by your teacher.
to calculate or to find a number by using mathematical processes
to act with reckless haste or speed
producing feelings of comfort or relief
to move in an awkward way with a lot of difficulty and effort
a person who hates to spend money
to speak with many pauses and repetitions because you are very nervous or frightened
to give a right to (someone)
to have a bad effect on someone by allowing too many things or by not correcting bad behavior
to hold onto tightly with your hand
to owe someone for a favor or service



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by: Casey Jo Burrus © 2012
Bingham, Illinois
created: September 2013 | updated: June 5, 2016
Cowden-Herrick Schools