Chapters 7-8 Vocabulary Words

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ague 88 a fever marked by chills, fever, and sweating repeated at regular intervals
haunches 86 the upper parts of a person's or animal's leg; hips
lope 89 an easy natural movement of a horse resembling a canter
mustang 99-100 a small and strong wild horse of western North America
padlock 106 to fasten with a removable lock
scringe 95 cringe or flinch
stirrup 91 one of two loops that are attached to a saddle for the rider's feet

Definitions utilized from Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary and Merriam-Webster's Word Central Dictionary based on use in Little House on the Prairie.

by: Casey Jo Burrus © 2014
Bingham, Illinois
updated: June 4, 2016
Cowden-Herrick Schools