Little House on the Prairie

Little House on the Prairie

Quotes Matching


Before taking this test, please read the novel, Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder!

Please answer the questions to the best of your abilities by matching the people on the right to their quotes on the left. When you have answered all of the questions, click the "Check Answer" button. A box will pop-up with your score. Do not close until your score is printed or reviewed by your teacher.
"A whole year gone, Charles." (Ch. 25)
"Didn't he have his reindeer?" (Ch. 19)
"As to why they are congregating in these camps, Scott, I can tell you that. They're getting ready for their big spring buffalo hunt." (Ch. 22)
"A papoose is a little, brown, Indian baby." (Ch. 1)
"Little pitchers have big ears." (Ch. 7)
"I haven't tasted a good slice of watermelon since Hector was a pup." (Ch. 15)
"Yes, Laura, he can. God that doesn't forget the sparrows won't leave a good dog like Jack out in the cold." (Ch. 2)
"So am I. But did you have to wake the baby?" (Ch. 3)
"We'll stay with our wagon." (Ch. 26)
"Now we must get dinner. Pa will be here soon and we must have dinner ready for him. Mary, bring me some wood. Laura, you may set the table." (Ch. 11)
"It rests heavy on my mind. They are both of them sweet, pretty, good little young things, and I know they are expecting me." (Ch. 19)
"You must mind your manners, even if we are a hundred miles from anywhere" (Ch. 4)
"This is a great country. This is a country I'll be contented to stay in the rest of my life." (Ch. 6)
"Seeing you don't object, I've decided to go and see the West. I've had an offer for this place, and we can sell it now for as much as we're ever likely to get, enough to give us a start in a new country." (Ch. 1)
"I have no more nails, but I'll not keep on waiting till I can make a trip to Independence. A man doesn't need nails to build a house or make a door." (Ch. 8)
"No, I keep telling you they won't make any trouble. They're perfectly quiet and peaceable down in those camps among the bluffs." (Ch. 20)
"I wish Jack could ride in the wagon, Pa" (Ch. 2)
"Drink this, little girl. Drink it. It will make you well." (Ch. 15)
"Your little ones had to have a Christmas. No creek could stop me, after I fetched them their gifts from Independence." (Ch. 19)
"Call off your dog! Call off your dog! He's got me treed." (Ch. 17)
"They are in the house. They are in the house with Ma and Carrie." (Ch. 11)
"Yes, Pa. But, Pa, I thought this was Indian Territory. Won't it make the Indians made to have to --" (Ch. 18)
"That's all foolishness, Ingalls. The well was all right yesterday." (Ch. 12)
"Tenderfeet! Everthing they own, and no dog to watch it. Didn't keep watch himself. And tied his horses with ropes!" (Ch. 26)
"What is it? What is it? Oh, Pa, what is it?" (Ch. 23)
"You're the fiddlin'est fool that ever I see!" (Ch. 5)
"Dear me, Laura, must you yell like an Indian? If you girls aren't getting to look like Indians! Can I never teach you to keep your sunbonnets on?" (Ch. 10)
"Carrie can have mine." (Ch. 14)
"I just ache. My legs ache." (Ch. 15)
"Now go to sleep. I'm here to take care of everything till you're all well." (Ch. 15)
"I was afraid Mary and Carrie would burn up. I was afraid the house would burn up and we wouldn't have any house. I'm -- I'm scared now!" (Ch. 16)
"Good-by, Ingalls, and good luck. Good-by, ma'am, I won't be seeing you all again, but I sure will never forget your kindness." (Ch. 25)
Well, I'm thankful they didn't take the plow and seeds." (Ch. 18)
"Hello, Edwards! Last time I saw you you were sleeping on a cornshuck bed in Tennessee." (Ch. 19)
"You know he couldn't. There isn't any snow." (Ch. 19)
"If you girls want to go wading, you can do it in the shallow place. Don't go in over your ankles." (Ch. 9)
"I wish they'd settle it and stop talking about it." (Ch. 21)
"Now, by the Great Horn Spoon, I'll milk her!" (Ch. 13)
"Be quiet, Laura. You mustn't frighten Carrie." (Ch. 23)
"Why, Laura, you don't want another baby. We have a baby, our own baby." (Ch. 24)
"Durned if I know! But we're going. We're leaving here! Scott and Edwards say the government is sending soldiers to take all us settlers out of Indian Territory." (Ch. 25)
"Would they have killed Jack?" (Ch. 11)
"You were right about that candle business, Ingalls. I thought it was all foolishness and I would not bother with it, but I've found out my mistake." (Ch. 12)
"When did that grass grow? I thought the whole country was black, and now there's nothing but green grass as far as the eye can see." (Ch. 25)
"Would a panther carry off a little girl, Pa?" (Ch. 20)
"Well, maybe you're right about it, Ingalls. Anyway, I'll be glad to tell Mrs. Scott what you say. She can't get the Minnesota massacres out of her head." (Ch. 22)
"I don't know. I tied them to the wagon last night, and this morning they were gone. Somebody cut the ropes and took them away in the night." (Ch. 26)
"Please, can't Jack come, too?" (Ch. 14)
"What's a year amount to? We have all the time there is." (Ch. 25)
"Oh, the pretty ponies! See the pretty ponies! Look at the spotted one." (Ch. 24)
"That's a good girl, Laura, to remember I told you never to leave fire on the floor." (Ch. 16)




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by: Casey Jo Burrus © 2014
Bingham, Illinois
created: May 2014 | updated: December 27, 2015
Cowden-Herrick Schools