Chapter 25 Essay


INSTRUCTIONS: The essay questions must will be answered using a word processor and formatted according to class guidelines, printed, and submitted to the teacher before the next reading day.



You have now read chapter 25 of On the Banks of Plum Creek. Even though the Little House books are fictionalized, many of the events described are based on things that really happened. In this chapter, the Ingalls' family farm has been invaded by grasshoppers, who destroyed their crops. This description refers to the Grasshopper, or Locust Plagues in the 1870's. Do some research to find out more about these events. How does Laura's description match up to the historical information you find? Discuss some of the similarities and differences. Talk about some things that Laura might have left out of her story.

In the middle of the grasshopper events, Laura remembers that their house it not yet paid for. The money from the wheat crop would have paid for the house, but now that is gone. How do you think this will effect the family? Will they have to move? What will Pa do to earn money until next year's crop can be planted and harvested? What do you think might happen next? Non-detailed responses will NOT be accepted.

by: Casey Jo Burrus © 2016
Bingham, Illinois
updated: April 3, 2017
Cowden-Herrick Schools