Chapters 1-2 Vocabulary Words

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bank 3 the rising ground bordering a lake, river, or sea
bow 8 wooden boards or poles bent into a simple curve
dugout 5 a shelter that is made by digging a hole in the ground or into the side of a hill
gaily 9 in a happy and lively way
glisten 3 to shine with light reflected off a wet surface
manger 15 an open box in which food for farm animals is placed
mustang 2 a small and strong wild horse of western North America
prickle 17 to make a very small hole in something with a sharp pointed object
ripple 2 to move in small waves
slink 4 to move in a way that does not attract attention
smart 8 to cause or feel a sharp stinging pain
sod 11 the upper layer of the soil that is filled with grass roots
stovepipe 11 a metal pipe used for carrying away smoke from a stove
tame 16 not wild; calm
territory 1 an area of land that belongs to or is controlled by a government
trickle 12 to flow or fall in drops
whitewash 10 to cover with a mixture (as of lime and water) for making a surface white

Definitions utilized from Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary and Merriam-Webster's Word Central Dictionary based on use in On the Banks of Plum Creek.

by: Casey Jo Burrus © 2016
Bingham, Illinois
updated: June 4, 2016
Cowden-Herrick Schools