Chapters 31-32 Vocabulary Words

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ancestral 266-267 of or related to something inherited from someone in the past
borne 261 to endure something that is difficult to deal with
chinook 259 a warm moist southwest wind
drawers 248 underwear for the lower part of the body
lavish 251 giving or using a large amount of something
mosquito-bar 251 a net or curtain for keeping mosquitoes out
muff 256 a soft thick cover to protect the hands from cold
scamper 248 to run or move quickly
scholar 245 a person who attends a school or studies under a teacher
steady 264 direct; not easily disturbed or upset
swarm 261 to move or assemble in a crowd
vast 248 very great in size, amount, or extent
wag 246 to move something from side to side repeatedly
wonder 248 rapt attention to something mysterious or new

Definitions utilized from Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary and Merriam-Webster's Word Central Dictionary based on use in On the Banks of Plum Creek.

by: Casey Jo Burrus © 2016
Bingham, Illinois
updated: June 6, 2016
Cowden-Herrick Schools