On the Banks of Plum Creek

On the Banks of Plum Creek

Vocab Chapter 23-24

Vocabulary activity for Chapter 23-24 of On the Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder!

Please answer the questions to the best of your abilities by matching the vocabulary words on the right to their definitions on the left. When you have answered all of the questions, click the "Check Answer" button. A box will pop-up with your score. Do not close until your score is printed or reviewed by your teacher.
to try to persuade someone to do something
a religious song that praises God
a short, wide piece of cloth that is worn around the neck by men with its ends tucked inside the collar of a shirt
to cry out or speak suddenly or with strong feeling
a short or quick twisting motion
any of several large rushes or plants growing in wetlands
a person who is sent to another place to do religious work
to cause someone to be happy or pleased
a gathering of cloth made by pulling up the cloth along two or more lines of stitching
causing you to feel bored, annoyed, or impatient
a tower where a bell hangs
to crowd or squeezed
to look at something with enjoyment



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by: Casey Jo Burrus © 2017
Bingham, Illinois
created: January 2017 | updated: March 31, 2017
Cowden-Herrick Schools