Chapters 25-26
Vocabulary Words

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brisk 212 moving or speaking quickly
furrow 207 a long and narrow cut in the ground
idle 207 not working or being used
pod 208 a grasshopper egg case
pullet 198 a young chicken that is less than a year old
rasp 195 to make a rough, harsh sound
ripen 192  to make something ready or suitable
scald 209 to heat a liquid until it is very hot but not boiling
smolder 199 to burn slowly without flames but usually with smoke
smudge 197 a blurry spot or streak
tassel 199 a group of flowers at the top of a cornstalk

Definitions utilized from Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary and Merriam-Webster's Word Central Dictionary based on use in On the Banks of Plum Creek.

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by: Casey Jo Burrus © 2016
Bingham, Illinois

created: June 4, 2016| updated: March 31, 2017
Cowden-Herrick Schools