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About Me
Casey BurrusVandalia, Illinois |
About Me
I was born and raised in a small community in Fayette County, Illinois. Throughout high school, I earned several academic awards, and was a member of the Scholar Bowl team. After high school, my education continued at Greenville College with a major in Special Education. I began my teaching career when I secure employment as a Special Education teacher in Shelby County, Illinois. I earned a Masters of Educational Psychology through an online Masters program through the University of Illinois in 2005. I am currently working my way through a second Master's degree through Liberty University. I have always enjoyed working with children. My hope is to be a part of a team that will help children to become the best people that they can be, and to help them fulfill God's plans for their lives.
Technology is an cornerstone of education in today's society. It is a vital tool for every teacher to have in their toolkit. I have used many different technologies over the years in my classroom. My students often practice skills through online programs such as Splash Learn, Lexia Core5, Accelerated Reader, and Vocabulary A-Z (formerly Spelling City). Other tools that I utilize are eLearning sites that I have developed to enhance the Novel Units that I have put together for use in my classroom. I have developed these eLearning sites through the use of Dreamweaver web development software and the Hot Potatoes applications.
Through the implementation of Remote Learning I have utilized G Suite, specifically Classroom, Meets, Slides, and Docs. Google Classroom provides a space for teachers and students to community and share information back and forth. I am thankful for Google Meets, which provided me with the opportunity to meet face-to-face with my remote students. The Google applications are extremely beneficial tools for maximizing remote communication between students and teachers. I also enjoy using ClassKick for the delivery of online worksheets that students can access and complete online. One of the most interesting features of ClassKick is the possibility of remote interaction between the teacher and the student in real time. Teachers can provide feedback to students on a particular assignment while the students are working. Technology is an ever-changing machine. Teachers must be willing to learn and grow with that technology to effectively prepare their students for life in the twenty-first century.
Technology Tools
Splash Learn Vocabulary A-Z My eLearning Dreamweaver Hot Potatoes ClassKick
My Liberty Courses
EDUC 518: Educational Research and Assessment
EDUC 531: Teaching Natural and Social Sciences
EDUC 604: Foundations of Education
EDUC 621: Educational Assessment for Special Needs
EDUC 624: Instructional Methods for Behavior and Learning
EDUC 630: Technology Practices for Instructional Improvement
EDUC 631: Foundations of Educational Technology and Online Learning
EDUC 671: Curriculum Evaluation
EDUC 672: Curriculum Development (Elementary/Secondary)
EDUC 673: Curriculum and Methods for Effective Instruction
EDUC 675: Elementary Curriculum and Methods
EDUC 696: Current Issues in Education Capstone
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Created by: Casey Jo Burrus © 2021
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updated: March 25, 2022
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