A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time

Story Review
Paragraph Cloze

Before completing this activity, please read the novel, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle!

The following are paragraphs taken from each chapter of the story. Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!

When you have answered all of the questions, click the "Check Answer" button. A box will pop-up with your score. Do not close until your score is printed or reviewed by your teacher.

   a      accusing      afternoon      air      around      as      at      beat      being      boy      Charles      dying      everything      flew      flooding      foot      gasp      ground      his      hours      is      is      it      it      large      Love      moment      Mrs      Murry      no      not      nothing      of      of      old      once      once      planet      scream      scudded      shawls      She      shove      sometimes      stars      tender      that      the      the      the      the      There      there      thought      to      to      two      unable      up      warning      was      What      without      you   

Chapter 1: Mrs. Whatsit

"In her attic bedroom Margaret Murry, wrapped in an old patchwork quilt, sat on the of her bed and watched the trees tossing in the frenzied lashing of the wind. Behind the trees clouds frantically across the sky. Every few moments the moon ripped through them, creating wraith-like shadows that raced along the ."

"Mrs. Whatsit tugged at her second book. 'I said,' she grunted, shoving her foot down in, 'that there is' -- -- 'such and thing' -- shove 'as a tesseract.' Her foot went down into the boot, and grabbing , scarves, and hat, she hustled out the door. Mrs. Murry stayed very still, making no move to help the woman. As the door opened, Fortinbras streaked in, panting, wet and shiny as a seal. He looked at Mrs. and whined."

Chapter 2: Mrs. Who

"Calvin tried now politely to direct his words toward Meg as well as Wallace, 'When I get this feeling, this compulsion, I always do what it tells me. I can't explain where comes from or how I get it, and it doesn't happen very often. But I obey it. And this I had a feeling that I must come over to the haunted house. That's all I know, kid. I'm holding anything back. Maybe it's because I'm supposed to meet you. You tell me.'"

Chapter 3: Mrs. Which

"Suddenly eyes seemed to spring at them out of the darkness; it was the moonlight striking on Mrs. Who's glasses. was standing next to Charles Wallace, and how she managed to appear where a moment ago there had been but flickering shadows in the moonlight Meg had no idea. She heard a sound behind her and turned around. was Mrs. Whatsit scrambling over the wall."

Chapter 4: The Black Thing

"They had left the silver glint of biting autumn evening; and now around them everything was golden with light. The grasses of the field were a green, and scattered about were tiny, multicolored flowers. Meg turned slowly to face a mountain reaching so high into sky that its peak was lost in a crown of puffy white clouds. From the trees at the base the mountain came a sudden singing of birds. There was an air of such ineffable peace and joy all her heart's wild thumping slowed."

"It was a shadow, nothing but a shadow. It was not even as tangible a cloud. Was it cast by something? Or was it a Thing in itself?"

Chapter 5: The Tesseract

"Without , coming as a complete and unexpected shock, she felt a pressure she had never imagined, as though she were completely flattened out by an enormous steam roller. This was far worse than the nothingness had been; while she nothing there was no need to breathe, but now her lungs were squeezed together so that although she was for want of air there was no way for her lungs to expand and contract, to take in the that she must have to stay alive. This was completely different from the thinning of the atmosphere when they up the mountain and she had had to put the flowers to her face to breathe. She tried to , but a paper doll can't gasp. She thought she was trying to think, but her flattened-out mind was as to function as her lungs; her thoughts were squashed along with the rest of her. Her heart tried to ; it gave a knifelike, sidewise movement, but it could not expand."

Chapter 6: The Happy Medium

"Then, all at , they saw the same thing, and stopped to watch. In front of one of the houses stood a little with a ball, and he was bouncing it. But he bounced it rather badly and with no particular rhythm, dropping it and running after it with awkward, furtive leaps, sometimes throwing it up into the air and trying catch it. The door of his house opened and out ran one of the mother figures. She looked wildly and down the street, saw the children and put her hand to her mouth as though to stifle a , grabbed the little boy and rushed indoors with him. The ball dropped from his fingers and rolled out into street."

Chapter 7: The Man With Red Eyes

"'Now, my dears,' the words continued, 'I shall of course have need of recourse to violence, but I thought perhaps it would save you pain if I showed you at that it would do you no good to try to oppose me. You see, what you will soon realize that there is no need to fight me. Not only is there no need, but you will not have slightest desire to do so. For why should you wish to fight someone who is here only to save pain and trouble? For you, as well as for the rest of all the happy, useful people on this , I, in my own strength, am willing to assume all the pain, all the responsibility, all the burdens of and decision.'"

Chapter 8: The Transparent Column

"He moved rapidly down the corridor and again held up his hand make the wall transparent. They looked into another small room or cell. In the center of it was a , round, transparent column, and inside this column was a man.

"'FATHER!' Meg screamed."

Chapter 9: IT

"This was the for which she had been waiting, not only since Mrs. Which whisked them off on their journeys, but during long months and years before, when the letters had stopped coming, when people made remarks about Charles Wallace, when . Murry showed a rare flash of loneliness or grief. This was the moment that meant that now and forever would be all right."

"Faintly she heard her father's voice, though she knew he was shouting at the top his lungs. 'The periodic table of elements, Meg! Say it!'"

Chapter 10: Absolute Zero

"Calvin looked at her, shaking head. 'It was the only thing to do. At least it got us off Camazotz.'

"'Why did we go Charles Wallace? Did we just leave him there?' The words that were not really hers came out cold and .

"'We didn't "just leave him,"' her father said. 'Remember that the human brain is a very delicate organism, and can be easily damaged.'"

Chapter 11: Aunt Beast

"Perplexity came to her from the beast. 'What is this dark? is this light? We do not understand. Your father and the boy, Calvin, have asked this, too. They say it is night now on our planet, and that they cannot see. They have told us that our atmosphere what they call opaque, so that the stars are not visible, and then they were surprised that we know , that we know their music and the movements of their dance far better than beings like you who spend studying them through what you call telescopes. We do not understand what this means, to see.'"

Chapter 12: The Foolish and the Weak

"She knew!


"That was what she had that IT did not have."

"Meg knew all once that Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which must be near, because all through her she felt a of joy and of love that was even greater and deeper than the joy and love which were already .

"She stopped laughing and listened, and Charles listened, too. 'Hush.'"



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by: Casey Jo Burrus © 2006
Bingham, Illinois

updated: December 28, 2013

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