Lesson 17: Keys: $ (Dollars) and ' (Apostrophe)

Score: 10 points
: Follow the steps listed below along with the teacher's instructions.
Notice: The text that you are instructed to type is displayed in a Lucinda Sans Typewriter font.

Printer-Friendly Version








  1. Save your file: File -- Save
  2. Type each paragraph slowly, smoothly.
    1. Remember to indent the first line 5 spaces or use the Tab key (use the left little finger).
    2. Remember to use word wrap and let the words wrap themselves. DO NOT ENTER AFTER EACH LINE!
  3. Practice words that have errors.
  4. Try for a PERFECT copy of both lines.:

    ---| Here is what it cost us to put our men on the moon: $1.1 billion for research; $3.3 billion for designing; $9.4 billion for Saturn Rocket Engines; $7.8 billion for spacecraft; and $2.25 billion for salaries to scientists, office supplies, and help. Total cost of the moon flight: about $24 billion.

    ---| Christopher must catch the bus at 7:30 sharp. He attends St. Michael's School at 47 Bonnie Brown Avenue. He rides the bus with Chrissy and Willie.
    ---| To succeed you must work hard at what you do. When the going gets rough, breathe deep and go on. Pick yourself up, think of a good thing, be happy.



  1. Save your file: File -- Save
  2. If you have extra time after completing the assigned task:
    1. Enter twice after the end of the text in your current document
    2. Type the heading EXTRA PRACTICE in all Capital letters
    3. Enter twice more after typing the heading
    4. Repeat the lines from the current lesson
    5. Repeat step 4 if necessary
  3. Use your imagination to develop 10 lines of text using the keys that you have learned up to this point.


  1. Double-check that your name and the date is at the top of the page
  2. Save your file: File -- Save
  3. Print to Lab Printer
    1. DO NOT go to printer to pick it up.Your instructor will pick up all pages at once.

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by: Casey Jo Burrus | Last Updated: December 28, 2013
NOTE: The lessons on this site were compiled using the resources listed on the Resources page.
This lesson derived from from Typing & Keyboarding for Everyone.