Chapter 8 Essay


INSTRUCTIONS: The essay questions must will be answered using a word processor and formatted according to class guidelines, printed, and submitted to the teacher before the next reading day.

See Essay Guidelines



You have now read chapter 8 of On the Banks of Plum Creek. Laura and Mary convince themselves that they are doing nothing wrong by playing in the straw-stack again, because they are doing something different than Pa had told them not to do. When Pa askes Laura to explain what happened, she is honest about what they did and did not do. Pa tries to keep his face ster, but we see a twinkle in his eye. What is Pa trying not to do? Why is he trying to be stern? Write a paragraph to explain Pa's reaction. Non-detailed responses will NOT be accepted.


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Essays: Ch 1

by: Casey Jo Burrus © 2016
Bingham, Illinois

created: June 4, 2016| updated: December 31, 2016
Cowden-Herrick Schools