Freak the Mighty

Freak the Mighty

by: Rodman Philbrick




Vocabulary Words


The following links will take you to a list of vocabulary words for each week's group of chapters. Each list also has a practice activity to help you learn and remember the words. Remember, you will be given a vocabulary test at the end of each week over the current vocabulary words.

Remember: You can listen to the text by clicking on the next to the text.

Word List

Vocabulary Practice

Chapters 1 - 2
Matching | Crossword | Fill-in
Chapters 3 - 6
Matching | Crossword | Fill-in
Chapters 7 - 10
Matching | Crossword | Fill-in
Chapters 11 - 14
Matching | Crossword | Fill-in
Chapters 15 - 18
Matching | Crossword | Fill-in
Chapters 19 - 22
Matching | Crossword | Fill-in
Chapters 23 - 25
Matching | Crossword | Fill-in
WARNING: The vocabulary for this book consists of words and definitions used in the reading. The definitions might not necessarily match those definitions found in the dictionary!


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1 - 2 | 3 - 6 | 7 - 10 | 11 - 14 | 15 - 18 | 19 - 22 | 23 - 25

by: Casey Jo Burrus
Bingham, Illinois

created: July 23, 2004
updated: January 25, 2014

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January 25, 2014