Freak the Mightyby: Rodman Philbrick |
Below are links to interactive activities for you to complete after reading each group of chapters. This is for a grade, you must answer all of the questions to receive full credit.
When you have answered the last question, you will need to print the last page of the quiz. Put your name on this page and turn it in to the teacher. You will not receive a grade without turning this page in!
Some chapters have more than one activity. You must complete all activities. The essay questions must be answered using your word processor, formatted according to class essay guidelines, printed, and submitted to teacher before the next reading day.
Remember: You can listen to the text by clicking on the
next to the text.
11 & 12 sound not completed |
13 & 14 |
24 sound not completed |
25 sound not completed |
Story Review & Final Activities |
Freak the Mighty |
eLearning Home | eLearning: Freak the Mighty | Vocabulary | Activities | Links | Sitemap | About this Site | Printables
Activity Pages:
1 & 2 | 1 & 2 TO | 3 & 4 | 5 & 6 | 7 & 8 | 9 & 10 | 9 & 10 E | 11 & 12 | 13 & 14 | 13 & 14 E | 15 & 16 | 15 & 16 E | 17 & 18 | 17 & 18 E | 19 & 20 | 19 & 20 E | 21 & 22 | 21 & 22 E | 23 | 23 E | 24 | 25
Nicknames | Characters | Summary | Quotes | Short Answer | Multiple Choice | Essay | Jeopardy | Dictionary
by: Casey
Jo Burrus
Bingham, Illinois
created: July 23, 2004
January 25, 2014
Freak the Mighty book cover
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Activities created
with Hot Potatoes 6
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