Freak the Mightyby: Rodman Philbrick |
Remember: You can listen to the text by clicking on the
next to the text.
INSTRUCTIONS: The essay questions must will be answered using a word processor and formatted according to class guidelines, printed, and submitted to the teacher before the next reading day.
Write a five-paragraph essay discussing your thoughts on Freak the Mighty. In your essay, answer the following questions. This essay is supposed to discuss your thoughts, not those of your friends or your teacher. Be honest.
Remember: Always provide reasons and/or examples for your thoughts and opinions. Make sure your thoughts flow fluently throughout the whole essay. Do not leave gaps in your thinking. A person who has never read the book should be able to read and understand your essay.
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by: Casey
Jo Burrus
Bingham, Illinois
created: July 31, 2004
December 28, 2013
Freak the Mighty book cover
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Activities created
with Hot Potatoes 6
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