Final Essay
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INSTRUCTIONS: The essay questions must will be answered using a word processor and formatted according to class guidelines, printed, and submitted to the teacher before the next reading day.
You have now read all of A Wrinkle in Time . Answer the following questions in a five-paragraph essay:
- At the end of the story, Meg, Charles Wallace, Mr. Murry and Calvin return home a few minutes before they actually left. How do you think Mrs. Murry and the twins will react to Mr. Murry's reappearance? Why do you think this is? Do you think Meg and the others will tell the family of their adventures? If so, how will the family react?
- There are three more books in The Time Quartet What do you think will happen next? Will they see Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which again? What will they be like? Will they tesser to other places? What kinds of places will they go?
- Did you enjoy reading this novel? What were your favorite parts? What did you not like about it? Which character do you think is most like you? Why?
- OPTIONAL: This story hints at some Christian elements. If you would like, include some thoughts on this connection. Who do the characters represent? What lessons do the characters learn?
- Hint: After you have finished this essay and the other final activities, and you would like to find out what happens, try reading the other books! (There are bonus points involved!)
- Read about Charles Wallace's encounter with dragons in A Wind in the Door.
- See who Charles Wallace meets in his next space travel adventures in A Swiftly Tilting Planet.
- See what mischief Meg and Charles Wallace's twin brothers, Sandy and Dennys, get into in Many Waters.
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by: Casey
Jo Burrus © 2006
Bingham, Illinois
created: July 18, 2006 |
updated: July 13, 2006
Cowden-Herrick Schools
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