Note: Sound files for this site have not yet been completed.
This is an interactive learning site to correspond with the novel, A Wrinkle in Time, written by Madeleine L'Engle. The site includes chapter vocabulary, activities, and essay questions.
Each page of this site has a sound button (
) following many of the written items. Clicking on this button will allow you to listen to an audio version of this text.
In reading this story, students will gain an understanding of the Novel A Wrinkle in Time. They will learn important values of love and family. They will learn values about overcoming difficult situations.
The activities on this site are divided between chapters. These activities enrich the student's learning experiences from the novel.
Vocabulary: Each chapter group contains a list of vocabulary words. Here are lists of those words and their definitions. There is also a practice activity for each list to help students learn and remember the vocabulary words.
Activities: Each chapter contains at least one learning activity. The activities monitor the comprehension of the reading. Some chapters also have an essay question. The essay questions will aid students in thinking about the contextual themes of the story. They will help students to connect the story to their own real-life experiences. The essay questions must be answered using a word processor and formatted according to class essay guidelines, printed, and submitted to the teacher before the next reading day.
Printables for Teachers: Here are some printable activities to use in your classroom with the novel, A Wrinkle in Time , by Madeleine L'Engle. This page is password protected to protect activity answers. If you are interested in using these activites, Please Email Me. Remember, other activites included in this unit have been compiled from other sources and will not be provided on this site. However, a bibliography of other resources used can be found on the links page.
Links: There are several other web sites that offer learning activities for A Wrinkle in Time. Here are some of them.
SiteMap: Having trouble finding what you are looking for? Check out the Site Map with links to every page on the site.
eLearning Home | eLearning: A Wrinkle in Time | Vocabulary | Activities | Printables |Links | Sitemap
by: Casey
Jo Burrus © 2006
Bingham, Illinois
created: June 21, 2006
June 4, 2016
A Wrinkle in Time book cover
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Activities created
with Hot Potatoes 6
Sound button icon
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