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Word |
Page # |
Definition |
dreadful | 181 | very disagreeable, unpleasant, or shocking |
gilt | 180 | gold or something like gold laid on a surface |
naughty | 183 | behaving badly or improperly |
primly | 181 | stiffly formal and proper; to be fussy about one's appearance and behavior |
rennet | 186 | a part of the lining of the stomach that is used to curdle milk |
sprout | 194 | a young plant stem with its leaves and branches especially when not yet mature |
sulk | 184 | to be moodily silent or irritable |
whey | 188 | the watery part of milk that separates after the milk has soured and thickened especially in the process of making cheese |
Definitions utilized from Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary and Merriam-Webster's Word Central Dictionary based on use in Little House in the Big Woods.
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by: Casey
Jo Burrus © 2012
- 2025
Bingham, Illinois
created: June 29, 2012 |
June 4, 2016
Cowden-Herrick Schools